Father God, I come before Your throne of Grace, in the Majestic Name of Jesus Christ to worshiping You and adoring You for who You are in my life. You are my God and King. You are my provider who supplies all of my needs according to Your rich and Glory by Christ Jesus. You wake me up every morning and fill my lungs with fresh air. You enable me to see, hear, talk, walk, feel, and believe that You are God and Lord of my life. I bless You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made by You, my King. You are El Shaddai, the many breasted one who supplies all that I need to make it through the day. You are a God who gives me exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think according to Your power that is working in me. You grant me abundant prosperity in the fruit of my womb, the young of my livestock and the crops of my ground and bless everything that I put my hands on. Wealth and riches are in my house and my righteousness endures forever. As I keep my eyes fixed on You, Lord, following Your precepts and all Your ways, all those things that I need shall be added unto me.  The blessing of the Lord makes me rich and adds no sorrow with it. I thank You and Praise You my God for the great breakthrough in my financial situation. Thank You Lord for opening doors and creating opportunities for me to increase my income and achieve financial freedom. Wealth and riches will be in my house and my righteousness endures forever. I fear the Lord and delight greatly in His commandments. Therefore, I declare and decree that I am blessed, and my descendants are mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches will be in my house, and my righteousness endures forever. Blessed is the Lord my God who daily loads me with great benefit. I thank You and Praise You my King and Sheppard for I shall not be in want. For You let me rest in Green Pasture and lead me to quite streams. You have prepared a table before me in front of my enemies, and You anoint my head with oil my cup overflows. Thank You Lord that Your Goodness and Mercy are with me all the days of my life, providing, protecting, strengthening, and nurturing me.  I trust in Your steadfast love; I ask Your guidance as I work out a household budget. Help me oh Lord to learn to let not have any debt remain outstanding, except the debt to love one another, through Jesus Christ my King and my God. 

Now He who supplies seed to the Sower and bread for food, will also supply and increase my storehouse of seed and will enlarge the harvest of my righteousness. I will be enriched in every way so that I can be generous on every occasion. Through my generosity I will bring honor, glory, and thanksgiving to Your Holy Name. According to Your Word my God and King, I will delight myself in You because You will give me my heart’s desire. I thank You and Praise You my God for giving me abundance in my relationship with You, relationship with my family, my children, my grandchildren, my friends, and colleagues. May they be filled with love, understanding, and forgiveness. 

I pray for abundance in my work or studies – bless the work of my hands and help me excel in all that I do. I also pray for abundance in my community and the world – use me as a vessel to show your love and compassion to those in need. Guide me in my spiritual journey and help me to always seek You above all else. Fill my heart with gratitude and joy as I experience Your abundance in every aspect of my life. I trust in Your promises, O Lord, that when I seek Your kingdom and righteousness, all these things will be added unto me. Thank You for Your abundant grace and love towards me that keeps providing and caring for all my needs. As I continue to pray for abundance, may it be a reminder to always have a heart of gratitude and trust in Your provision. May it also inspire me to live generously and share my blessings with others. I bless You and thank for all that You are and for all that You have done for me in Jesus mighty Name Amen.