I believe every human being has experienced rejection in one form or another. Rejection takes place in the lives of people in many ways. Although rejection can be a part of life, it doesn’t have to be a way of life. Rejection is detrimental and leaves lasting marks on the soul. Rejection is mostly caused by parents, friends, family members, or through close personal relationships. “That is people you love and trust”. Rejection is painful and damaging. Rejected people most often feel like they are not wanted, not qualified, not good enough, not fulfilled, and the pain stings like a bee. The devastating message of rejection is that you are not good enough or you don’t deserve to be loved. This kind of message scars a person for life; unless the power of God intervenes and delivers. God is the only hope that can mend a broken heart and heal a wounded soul (Luke 4:18).

In Luke 13:34 Jesus expresses His feelings of rejection, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” Jesus is simply saying, although I wanted to love and care for you, you were not willing. Jerusalem rejected her God. People felt that they had no need for God or need to trust God. The effect of Jerusalem’s unwillingness to be adored by her creator was painful for Jesus. Jesus had plans for Jerusalem (His church), but Jerusalem chose her own way. Pride would not allow her to surrender to her creator.

Rejection is in our homes, workplace, our schools, our community, and nearly any place where people abide. It’s everywhere, like a plague, and is often ignored or goes unnoticed; yet the emotional damage crushes one’s soul. In the workplace a person works hard to please their boss in hopes of getting that promotion. However, they are overlooked for the promotion, as a result they feel hopeless. The promotion was not granted to the deserving individual, perhaps because of the color of their skin, or religious belief and/or political views. Unfortunately, we see the same mentality in the Church. Those who are dressed well or give substantially to the church are accepted and honored verses those who are regular people who are struggling to make it. In James 2:3 we read, “If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, here’s a good seat for you, but say to the poor man, you stand here or sit on the floor by my feet…”. This too is showing partiality or rejection.

As a result, people develop bitterness, anger, frustration, insecurity, and hopelessness. All rejection is painful. Many experience rejection by their ex-lovers and give up on trying to love again. Many business owners, when rejected for that loan they had been counting on lose hope and give up on their dream of ever being successful. There are many who want to buy their dream home, yet do not qualify because of rejection, discriminatory policies, unfair practices etc. Rejection cripples a person; it diminishes their hope and paralyzes them from fulfilling their plans and dreams. This is not good for our community, neither is it good for you and me. People are constantly being judged and disqualified for what is rightfully theirs. Rejection does not belong in our hearts and minds. It is a lie from the pit of hell.

The key to surviving rejection is to first identify its root. Rejection comes from a heart that is filled with pride. A heart that says, “I am better than the person next to me”. It is a callused heart that is being used by the enemy to do what it wants to others as they please. This heart is an instrument of destruction, trying to tear down God’s creation at any cost. The truth of the matter is a person with such a heart is prideful, and insecure. This person is in bondage and is using pride to camouflage their own insecurities and fears. What they say or do holds no water. They speak lies from the pit of hell and should not be taken seriously. Their actions are weapons that only hurt if you accept them as truth. Their opinion of another comes from their own insecurities, which makes them cold and insensitive. They pass on their weakness to another to make themselves feel better. Without knowing they are being used by Satan to tear down what God has created. It shouldn’t really matter what others say, feel or think about us; it only matters what God says, knows and thinks about us.

Our only truth is the infallible Word of God. It is unchangeable and powerful. We can rely on the Word and declare that we are accepted and loved in the beloved. In Psalms 27:10 David states, after being abused and rejected from childhood, “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me”. David knew that his only hope was to have joy into his heart toward God. Nothing stopped David from fulfilling the plan and purpose God had for him. David was rejected by his family, by King Saul, by his son, by his friends. However, it did not stop him from marching on till he fulfilled his purpose. While marching, David made sure that he held on to his only hope, who is God alone. Jesus did the same. He was rejected at many levels. However, Jesus succeeded by not giving into rejection but focused on His call to fulfill God’s plan. “Know the truth and the truth will set you free”. The truth is that God has qualified us to be His children, the apple of His eye, His treasured possession. The truth is God knew us before the foundation of the earth and has a great plan for us to fulfill on earth. What matters is that we accept God’s truth for our lives and rest in it. Most of all there is no one who loved us unconditionally enough to die for us on the Cross of Calvary. He is our Rock, our Fortress, our deliverer, only in Him we must trust. We need to totally rest in Him and let go of all that the enemy throws our way. In Him we are more than conqueror and victorious. Our eyes and minds need to be focused in His truth and not fall for the lies of the enemy. To Jesus belongs all the Glory, Honor and Praise.


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LORD, Please help my Unbelief!